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      Henkel Autophoretic swimming coating products since there are now two series PVDC-based Autophoretic800 Series and epoxy / acrylic Autophoretic900 series, the most demanding performance standards, professional applies worldwide automotive, appliance, agriculture, appliances and metal furniture manufacturing industry.

Autophoretic 800

PVDC based coating technology from swimming
600-1000 hours of salt spray test resistance
Excellent corrosion resistance
Alternative electrophoretic coating and powder coating, and can replace traditional phosphating oil-based and solvent-based paints, varnish, and some of the plating process
12-25 micron film thickness
Excellent toughness and hardness
Lower thermal stability
Does not contain heavy metals
Zero-VOC-matt surface
Physical properties can be achieved immediately
Part of the coat of primer for other

Autophoretic 900

Epoxy / acrylic-based coating technology from swimming
336-500 hours salt spray test resistance
Excellent resistance to corrosion cycle cycle corrosion resistance coating has advantages over electrophoresis
Alternative electrophoretic coating and powder coating, and can replace traditional phosphating oil-based and water-based paints, varnish, and some of the plating process.
12-25 micron film thickness
Good flexibility and hardness
Good thermal stability
Does not contain heavy metals
Low VOC-to high gloss
Physical properties can be achieved immediately
Widely used as a finish

      The application shown here, on behalf of the customer Henkel Autophoretic coating technology using a large number of products, from fully assembled shock absorber and seat bracket to the chassis structure with a cavity and traction structures, Autophoretic, are able to optimize your coating process.

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Typical applications :

Autophoretic technology's superior performance makes the automotive, appliance and metal furniture industry ideal.
Curing temperature is low, the typical automotive fluids have excellent chemical resistance, strong visual appearance